If there are no absolutes, then maybe we are ALL right? And I don't think that is possible, do you?
there is no objective standard for right and wrong even if a god did exist.
god's morality is nothing more than an opinion backed up by absolute power.
might does not make right.
If there are no absolutes, then maybe we are ALL right? And I don't think that is possible, do you?
there is no objective standard for right and wrong even if a god did exist.
god's morality is nothing more than an opinion backed up by absolute power.
might does not make right.
Are you saying that my guess is at least as good as yours? D Dog
there is no objective standard for right and wrong even if a god did exist.
god's morality is nothing more than an opinion backed up by absolute power.
might does not make right.
That's a good answer! Do you always contradict yourself? D Dog
there is no objective standard for right and wrong even if a god did exist.
god's morality is nothing more than an opinion backed up by absolute power.
might does not make right.
Are you absolutely sure there are no absolutes?
D Dog
haven't we all heard of those who've killed others -- even their own children -- after (they claimed) hearing a voice telling them to do so?
most people would consider these ones to have been insane if they really thought they'd heard such things.
on the other hand, some jws, i would suspect, would think that these murderers may actually have heard demonic voices.
Name one time other than the Genesis account where Satan is mentiones as we know him.
Gumball, You can look them up your self 1) 1Chr 21:1 2) Job 1:6 3) Job 1:7 twice 4) Job 1:8 5) Job 1:9 6) Job 1:12 twice 7) Job 2:1 8) Job 2:2 twice 9) Job 2:3 10) Job 2:4 11) Job 2:6 12) Job 2:7 13) Ps 109:6 14) Zec 3:1 15) Zec 3:2 D Dog
what doctrines and beliefs do jw's stick to, that are not mentioned anywhere in the new world translation ????.
i thought of a few ........ 1) christ returned invisibly in 1914 .
2) heavens doors were closed in 1935.
Prohibition of aluminum pots and pans
D Dog
these days you need to protect your pc.
i was just informed the site had become a porn site.
well, that's not actually true - since you are derirected to a pornsite from there.. .
Thanks Kent
It was posting on this forum that informed me that I had spyware on my computer! Every time I would post, a message would appear in the backround (Posters' Computer Probably has spyware) I went to and used a program called Spy Sweeper to remove the spyware and to protect my system. I'm happy to report SO FAR SO GOOD!
when i was little, i can remember certain brothers?
who would hide small transistor radios in their suit jackets and listen to nhl playoff games via a small earphone instead of paying attention at the meetings.
these weren't teenagers or young guys... some were elders and/or ministerial servants... yet none of them ever seemed to get counselled for this kind of disrespectful behaviour.. did anyone else ever do things like this, when significant sporting events fell on meeting nights??.
You got to have heart, after that loss in 2nd OT the other night! (From one Habs fan to another)
GO Habs !
D Dog
the red lion faith chapel invites you to hear
the personal testimony of mrs. joan cetnar
joan cetnar is a former jehovah?s witness saved by the grace of god.
For some reason that didn't get on there. Its Southampton (Vincentown) New Jersey
the red lion faith chapel invites you to hear
the personal testimony of mrs. joan cetnar
joan cetnar is a former jehovah?s witness saved by the grace of god.
The Red Lion Faith Chapel Invites You to Hear
The Personal Testimony of Mrs. Joan Cetnar
Joan Cetnar is a former Jehovah?s Witness saved by the grace of God. Her family has been avid witnesses for four generations. She served for four years at
Red Lion Faith Chapel invites you to hear her inspiring testimony as she explains their disillusionment with the organization and eventual leaving. They have since become believers in the real Jesus and were baptized. Out of their experiences God has called them to a national ministry of exposing false prophets and helping those who are caught in the web of deceit which characterizes The Watchtower Organization.
Since her husband?s death, Joan continues her compassionate but truthful outreach to the Jehovah?s Witnesses. As a result of her experiences, Joan will be able to share ways of reaching your friends or family who are in this organization. She also, along with the congregation of Red Lion Chapel, desires to help those sincere individuals who want to leave this organization or have already left.
You are cordially invited to hear Joan Cetnar on May 2, 2004 at the following times:
9:45am ? ?Are The Jehovah?s Witnesses The Only Right Religion??
11:00am- ?Saved From Watchtower Bondage By God?s Grace.?
For Directions call Red Lion Faith Chapel at: 609-859-2211 or
E-mail: [email protected]
Her Son, Phil Cetnar, will be sharing in the evening service on May 2 nd , 6:00pm. His topic is entitled ?Counterfeit Christianity: False Prophets, False Christs, False Teachers?
If you are a current or former Jehovah Witness we consider you our special guest. You are warmly welcomed to attend and we are here to help you.
The Pastors and Congregation of
Red Lion Faith Chapel